Off to Beara..............
Jul 2, 11 03:11 PM

It is remarkable that in the nineteen months since I started these pages that Beara has not yet had a mention.

Because, although I know I have said that I don't really do 'favourites', Beara is one such and we have been going there for the past twenty years and more, sometimes three and four times in the one year.

I'm not sure why it is so long since we have been. I'm sure the downturn has had something to do with it and, of course, I was up and down to Thezan, so we tended to holiday there - where the sun does shine!

But anyway, as I say, we are off there tomorrow for a week.
We have rented a house and the whole family is joining us and it will be the first time that we will have all been together on holday since 1986.

I doubt if I will have an internet connection while we are away but you may expect some wonderful pictures once I am back because it vies with the Amari Valley on Crete as my 'favourite' holiday destonation...........

Leaving Beara.JPG

Here we are trying to leave Beara after our last visit in October 2009 - but we were thwarted for an hour or more by a flash-flood!

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