I forgot to mention.........
Jun 6, 11 12:25 PM

I forgot to mention in the entry on the British Museum that the decision to make the visit was prompted by my wonderful birthday present from Naoise and family.



It is a wonderful book.

What the publishers fail to mention in the blurb on the back cover is that this is actually the book of a radio programme on BBC Radio 4.
So, when you think about it, when it was being broadcast, the pictures in the book had to be formed in the mind of the listener from the description of the words uttered by Neil McGregor.

A brilliant idea for radio, don't you think?

I was vaguely aware of it as I remember John Humphreys plugging it on the Today programme, also on BBC Radio 4.

I wish I had listened to it, but I didn't......

I beg their pardons, I have just noticed that the radio programme is mentioned on the front cover........apologies Mr. Lane

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