Carol Hawkins..............
Mar 1, 11 02:12 PM

I see that this lady is currently appearing in the papers.

I met Carol Hawkins on a number of occasions many years ago - 1998/9 I would think.

Given the reason for her current appearance in the press I must be circumspect about what I say here but, at the time, I had been approached to do some work for her employer, Adam Clayton.

I met with Mr. Clayton to discuss the project.
The meeting was instigated by his architects but arranged through Ms. Hawkins.

Now, as anybody who knows me, or has been a regular reader here will know, I prefer to work directly with my clients so I do not favour the presence of middle-men whether they be architects, designers, decorators, main contractors or minders.
This, not because I have any objection to these functions or functionaries - indeed they betimes introduce me to a client - but when it comes to supplying what I supply - furniture designs and solutions, to commission - I prefer to engage one to one with the client to seek to understand and interpret their individual requirements, rather than take second hand, filtered instructions.

In due course I had reason to meet with Mr. Clayton again, to present him with my ideas, drawings and proposals.

The only way to reach the great man was through Ms. Hawkins.

I assumed, reasonably I thought, that since I was in possession of information that he had sought and was waiting for, a meeting would be arranged expeditiously.
But, oh no, I quickly learned that it could take days and days just to arrange a meeting.

Adam and I did meet on a couple of further occasions, always under the watchful eye of Ms. Hawkins, and I remember pondering what threat she imagined I might pose to him: you would swear that she thought my ambition was to threaten him rather than to assist or to work for him.

I can't remember exactly why, but the project never got off the ground and I recall feeling sorry for the eminent musician because his personal life seemed to me to be circumscribed by the level of protection provided by his assistant and, also, it being a relief that I no longer had to spend hours and days seeking to make the appointments.

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