The brilliance of Helen..............
Feb 11, 11 08:00 AM

We had a lovely visit from the Galway's (that is Naoise, Ashley, Dylan & Jude) last weekend.

At breakfast on Sunday morning Helen appeared on the widow cill beside where I was sitting.

Now you will know how engaged I am with my chickens, how intelligent I believe them to be, and how certain I am that they adore me!

So, as far as I was concerned, this was proof positive of all these beliefs and theories - here was Helen getting as close up and personal with me as she could!

I had to acknowledge that this had not, in fact, happened ever before.
But small matter, here she was palpably displaying her adoration by getting as close as she could, under the circumstances, to me.

As it happened there was a gale blowing at the time.
And as it further transpired, the said gale had blown the gate to the henrun shut, with the further consequence that Helen could not access the henhouse in which to lay her egg!
This detail was spotted by Sue, who had tried (but sadly failed) to snap a picture of Helen's antics.

The henrun door was opened, Helen disappeared into her house, uncrossed her legs and delivered her egg.

I'm not sure if this occurrence confounds any of my prejudices but it certainly confirms Helen's intelligence, I mean brilliance - wouldn't you agree?

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