Thezan - Day three..........
Nov 29, 10 05:21 PM

It is cold here in Thezan, colder than we had expected but nothing to equal what we have left behind in Ireland where, we hear, records are being broken, day after day, for the lowest November temperatures on record.

In fact we should not have been surprised as. on one of our many working visits during 2008 and 2009, Martin and I drove down, at a similar time of year, on snow and ice from the north coast to just south of the Cevennes mountains. The temperature then rose to a pleasant 10 to 12 degrees but this proved to be a false dawn as we awoke next day to sub-zero temperatures above which they seldom rose throughout our two week stay.

Anyway, cold or not, we got up this morning to the most beautiful winter's morning............


................and a haze of sunlit woodsmoke across the rooftops of Thezan.

A perfect day for walking, we agreed.

Martin and Sile selected the spot and, had they not told us that it was a flooded quarry one would have assumed it to be a lake of considerable natural beauty. There were, in fact, tell tale signs that man had had a hand in its creation: its juxtaposition immediately beside the Orb river and a considerable concrete barrier separating the two.


weir on the Orb.JPG

There was extensive bird life: I caught the glimpse of a pair of kingfishers and there were extraordinary numbers of both egrets and cormorants.

I did not take as many pictures as I should but, as you will understand, I am a trifle rusty at this blogging business following the hiatus!
I will shortly get back into my stride.

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