Egg Storage.........................
Oct 8, 10 08:26 AM

We never keep our eggs in the fridge: something to do them becoming contaminated by other foods therein is our rationale, I think.

Bowl of eggs.JPG

So a bowl of eggs on the sideboard has been a constant feature of our kitchen for as long as I can remember.

However, now that we produce our own eggs and are collecting three a day, it no longer works as a successful means of storing them because, short of writing on them, once in the bowl there is no way of being certain which are the most recent, and freshest, additions.

Egg Rack.JPG

So I knocked-up this egg rack so that they can easily be rotated.

Gift Box.JPG

And here is our first 'gift-box' of eggs ready to go off with Sue for one of her colleagues at work.

baby egg.JPG

And we still haven't decided what to do with our 'baby egg' and we have never had another like it.

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