The History of a Furniture Commission 3.....................
Aug 12, 10 09:05 AM

The work on the Oak Gentleman's Dressing Cupboard is now well advanced.

At the outset of this post, which deals with the construction of the base, drawer section of the piece of furniture, I should say that I am very fortunate (and so, therefore, are my clients) to have the assistance of my colleague Martin Diack, who has excellent making skills and a 'good head'. (They train them well in NZ!)

We make a good team.


We started by making the frame with beaded-openings..........

Drawers.JPG that we could cut the drawer-fronts to perfect size.

Drawer bases.JPG

We glued-up the drawer-bases (from 18mm oak).........

Shelf supports.JPG

....... and Martin made the shelf-adjuster supports.

Gables attached.JPG

Our next step was to attach the gables................

Drawer runners.JPG that we could introduce the (traditional) drawer-runner system.

Drawer 1.JPG

Drawer 2.JPG

Drawer parts.

Drawer 3.JPG

Fielding the underside of the, solid oak, drawer base..............

Drawer 4.JPG

...............and testing the fit in a drawer side.

Drawer 5.JPG

The dovetail pins and tails of a drawer front and side.

Drawer 6.JPG

Gluing-up a drawer front.......

Drawer 7.JPG

..............inserting a drawer back...........

Drawer 8.JPG

...........and assembling a drawer.

Drawer 10.JPG

Drawers in cramps while the adhesive bonds.......

Drawer 9.JPG

.......and an assembled drawer.

Drawer 11.JPG

A drawer sitting in its runners before fitting.


Testing clearances while fitting a drawer.

Drawers 12.JPG

All the drawers fitted into their openings - or as we say 'opes'.

Drawers 13.JPG

The top drawers fitted (note that they are cut from the one board so that the grain runs through both drawers.......

Drawers 14.JPG

Drawers 15.JPG

................and all the drawers fitted. (Note that the grain runs from right to left in the top drawers, left to right in the next drawer.....and so on down.

The next step is to build the upper, cupboard portion of the item.

Then, at the weekend there is to be a visit from the clients to view the work in progress.

I do hope they will be pleased. - I am!

Perhaps they will leave a comment?

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