Broken promises.............
Jun 17, 10 12:43 AM

I said I would provide glimpses of our exploits in Canada.

I wrote that the day before we left for the Rockies and I should have anticipated that there would be no internet connection available to me there.

But, had there been, I doubt that I would have had time or energy enough to fulfill my promise as, during the six days we were there, my brother Charles and Robin, my sister-in-law, had events and excursions planned for every waking moment.

And what events and what excursions they were. - I have some three hundred photos, and a greater number of mental images and memories, to absorb and distill.

So, a proper post will still have to wait as now, in the last days of our visit to the 'Wild Rose Province', we have farewell visits to all my nieces and grand-nephews to packing-in.

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The registration plate of our hire car

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Alberta Wild Roses in my brother's garden. - Regular readers will know of my affection for wild or 'dog' roses.

And this morning, we are to walk in beaver territory on the Waskahegan Trail and, if I see one, it will line-up behind sightings of Wapiti, White-tailed Deer, Rocky Mountain Sheep (actually goats) Brown and Grizzly Bears, Ground and Red Squirrels, Raccoons and many other exotic creatures that I do not at this moment remember - or cannot spell without reference to the great Mr. Ben Gadd whose book on the Rocky Mountains we were given and which became the bible of our visit.

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My own Rose with Alberta wild roses on the Waskahegan Trail

I, did not see a beaver, although my brother did, but it was a delightful morning walk in their habitat.

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A beaver lodge.<

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A tree felled by a beaver's teeth!

And so, dear readers, if I still retain such, I will test your patience a little more on foot of a further promise that I will reveal and share some more of our experiences once the trip is done and the recall and distillation process is underway.

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