They grow wild in the Rockies................
May 30, 10 03:17 PM

We are off to Canada next Friday, Sue and I.

We will be staying with my brother who has lived in Canada for longer than I have lived in Ireland, which is now well over forty years.

Throughout our lives my brother and I have tended to meet roughly once every five years. - There is a seven year age gap between us (the war) so, even when we were children we were, at any given moment, at different stages and spent little enough time to together.

We will reconnect with my three nieces and meet, for the first time, three of my four grand-nephews.

So, all in all, this is a big event.

And we are being taken to stay in the Rockies at Jasper where I have been before but Sue has never been.

In that region of the Rockies, Potentilla is a wild-flower.

Here are ours, just coming into bloom - since they were liberated from the daffodil leaves and dandelions during my efforts last weekend.


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