A scolding!.........
Feb 4, 10 09:21 AM

I was down in Waterford yesterday to liaise with Martin and Sile about their impending return to Thezan and my trip down their to them next week.

Arrangements had been thrown up in the air somewhat by yesterday's fire on the trusty (or maybe not so trusty?) Oscar Wilde, in which the Dwyers and I should by this stage have been granted shares, it having taken us backwards and forwards to France so many times last year.

But this is not the reason for this post.

You may remember that my friend, customer and colleague Martin is also my 'blog mentor' and he took the opportunity of yesterday's meeting to scold me roundly for not having posted an entry for ten days or more.
My protestations that there were major opera in preparation did not satisfy.
I was missing the point of blogging, I was informed, and, worse, I would loose those followers (if any) that I had attracted if they opened my pages more than once to find nothing new !

So, dear readers, and dear mentor, I promis that there will be new and fascinating material posted before the day is much older and I will never, never be so dilatory again!

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