More water...
Nov 20, 09 04:57 PM

This was meant to be a furniture blog but I seem to have become obcessed by all this water in my rivers.

'Our little river' had reverted to a normal level for this time of year by this morning, 20 November, and, in the twenty four hours since I took the pictures at dusk yesterday it had dropped by more than 1.2metres (4').

But the big river, the Nore, was still rising.

The view of the Nore looking accross the river at Brownsbarn Bridge....

...and downstream.
Normally there is a sizeable, grassy bank to the left of the hedge which is now in the middle of the flow....

...and upstream. Again, there should be a bank to the right of the last bush, with the river flowing beneath

Mullins' castle from the bridge in Thomastown...

...and upstream with Innes Mill in the distance. The river is, normally, only to the left of the mill...

...the view downstream....

....and the flow on the downstream side of the bridge: as a rule, though turbulent, the surface is smoothe.

A glimpse of the swollen Nore through trees on the Rock Road

I fear this may still not be the end of my water obcession as, although today was another perfect autumn day, the prediction for the weekend is for more heavy rain that will, inevitably, impact on 'my rivers'.

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